There is an error in the "small print". They state that the discount is available for 14 days from date of notice, whereas under the Traffic Management Act, this is from date of service.
In fact all of the section under "DO NOT IGNORE THIS NOTICE" seems wrong, because the 28 days to serve a Notice to Owner is 28 days from service of the PCN, not the contravention date.
OK, having said the above, in most cases the PCN is served on the day of the contravention, but may not be. There was a judicial review on this very aspect of date of PCN and date of service many years ago, and the decision was that the PCN must be dated, and this date must be a separate date on the PCN to the date of contravention.
If the above is wrong, somebody will no doubt correct me, but as it stands the PCN mis-states the law.