Thank you for taking the time to look over my case. I received 2x PCNs from Bristol City Council for driving within the Clean Air Zone without paying the charges. I was not aware that I had to pay online, instead assuming that they would send me a notice for payment. This was naive and I fully understand that this does not constitute reasonable grounds for dismissal of the charge.
After looking over other cases like mine, I can see that my PCN includes the premium phone line of 0870 7077776 - to my understanding, this amounts to a demand beyond the amount due for my case. As I understand it, the fact that alternate payment methods are available is irrelevant to this point.
My main concern is over what happens if BCC decides to reject my appeal - I absolutely cannot afford the full £120 charge for each PCN. If they reject the appeal (which I see has happened for the first time recently), will they have to again offer the reduced penalty of £60 (plus £9) up to me? Or will they be able to charge me the full £120 (plus £9) amount for each PCN?
I would be appealing well within the 14 day period. I have attached a photo of the PCN, and can confirm that 0870 7077776 is the phone number on the rear.
I would really appreciate your help - I really cannot afford the reduced penalties, and so really want to appeal - but cannot risk having to pay double.
Many thanks