Periods for payment under the LLA & TfL Act 2003 are from date of PCN. So the discount period starts on the PCN date, of 23rd January, and is 14 days, so how they make it expiring on Wednesday 19th Feb is beyond me; surely that date is the end of the 28 days when payment of the £130 must be made or representations submitted ?
14 days expires from the date of the PCN. So the next day is the increase.
I make this formal representation in terms of a collateral challenge.
Ground: The penalty charge discount amount date as published on your website does not coincide with the 14 day period on the PCN Letter.
I refer you to the screenshot* which incorrectly states the date when you are legally allowed to increase the penalty to £130.
Choose: contravention did not occur.
Hi again,
After choosing
contravention did not occur., I have to choose one of the following mandatory options. wich one shall I choose please?:
At the time I am supposed to have been in contravention, I was loading and unloading
The restriction that I am supposed to have ignored was not signed
At the time I am supposed to have been in contravention, the restriction did not apply
At the time I am supposed to have been in contravention, I was elsewhere
I was instructed by a police officer to do this
I'm not so sure I should be choosing any of those options. If not, the only other viable way seems to be to choose
I wish to make representations about this PCN for other reasons, rather than
The contravention did not occur, in the previous step.
What do you think?