@stamfordmanStopping and waiting
Private hire drivers can stop to pick up or drop off passengers in many areas where there
are rules in place to limit waiting or stopping. You need to remember that:
• PHV drivers should not stop in any place where they might stop other vehicles
moving or be a danger to other road users.
• PHV drivers must not stop on zig-zag lines (for example, by pedestrian crossings,
outside schools)
You should check what signage is displayed about stopping or waiting and make sure you
understand and follow the instructions:
• You can pick up or drop off passengers:
- On single and double red lines
- On single and double yellow lines
- In places where loading is not allowed (shown by markings on the kerb)
- In most parking bays
- In most bus lanes, although you should avoid this if possible as it might delay
or obstruct buses
But remember you cannot wait for passengers in these areas.
• You can stop in the above locations only long enough for the passengers to get in
or out of your vehicle. This includes the time to help passengers who need
assistance, for example wheelchair users, including the time needed to make sure
the wheelchair is in the right position and safely secured
• You should not stop on taxi ranks, even when picking up or dropping off passengers
• If there are waiting or parking restrictions, you cannot stop for longer than is needed
for the passenger to get in or out of the vehicle. (There is no general permission
that allows you to leave your vehicle to help a passenger to or from a building.
However, some councils understand and accept that this is an important part of
your job. If your passenger needs help, you should spend only a short time away
from your vehicle, if possible, and make a note of the passenger’s details/booking,
just in case you get a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). It will be down to the council
who issued the PCN to decide whether to accept this evidence and cancel the PCN
Extracts from TFL Handbook for Private hire vehicles and drivers: